About the Company

Douglas Peterson Investments, LLC was formed in 2004 and deals with many aspects of real estate in New Mexico. We currently have 29 properties in New Mexico. We have grown since 2004 with properties that include ground-up developments as well as acquiring existing properties that we physically improve.

About Douglas Peterson

Douglas Peterson is the Manager and owner of Douglas Peterson Investments, LLC. Peterson has worked in the commercial real estate industry since 1997. In 2003, Peterson returned to Albuquerque after graduating from the Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago, IL. Peterson has been actively involved with the community in New Mexico.

How It Works

A Promissory Note is a written, legally enforceable promise by the Company to repay you, the Investor, money that you have lent to the Company along with interest. You may choose whether you want to receive monthly interest payments or receive your interest (along with your original investment) back at the end. Douglas Peterson personally guarantees the payments will be made to you.

How Much We Pay

We pay 6% annually for a four year investment. You may choose to receive your interest monthly or at the end of four years when your principal is returned. Please view the Investment Menu for more details.

Our Properties

We have 29 properties totaling approximately 291,978 square feet as well as two New Mexico liquor licenses. The Company’s assets generate approximately $3,621,289 in annual revenue and $2,374,783 in annual net operating income.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors to consider before deciding to make any investment. The Company’s business, operations, and financial performance are subject to various risks and uncertainties. As an investor, you should consider the information we have included in the Risk Factors section of this site.